Peran Rumah Baca Kakita Dalam Mendukung Budaya Literasi Masyarakat Kota Jambi Tahun 2023
This research aims to determine the condition of the Literacy Culture of the Simpang IV Sipin Village Community in 2023, the Factors Causing the Low Literacy Culture of the Simpang IV Sipin Village Community in 2023 and the Role of the Kakita Reading House in Supporting the Literacy Culture of the Simpang IV Sipin Village Community in 2023. The method used in this research is qualitative research. This thesis uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods through observation, interviews and documentation. The data collection technique used in this research was by interviewing the founder of the Kakita Reading House, literacy activists or volunteers at the Kakita Reading House, and library staff/community members. This research will provide an overview of the roles played by reading houses in supporting the community's literacy culture. The data obtained was reduced based on the relevance of the research, presented in the form of a narrative description, and conclusions were drawn. Based on the results of analysis and research findings, in 2022 the literacy culture in Jambi City will increase from the previous year but still needs to be improved. Therefore, the Kakita Reading House carries out activities aimed at increasing public knowledge at large. The Kakita Reading House plays a role in supporting the literacy culture of the people of Simpang IV Sipin Subdistrict in 2023. This can be seen from the activities that are still actively carried out by the Kakita Reading House, namely free book reading services, little science clubs, eco-education tourism, and calistung which are being promoted throughout the year. a month alternately and continuously