Peran Taman Baca Jakose dalam Meningkatkan Layanan Masyarakat di Kelurahan Arab Melayu Kecamatan Pelayangan Kota Jambi


  • Meiniza Fairah Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddun Jambi
  • Zarfina Yenti Pascasarjana, Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
  • Nailul Husna Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddun Jambi


This research discusses the role of the Jakose reading park in improving  community services in the Arab Melayu Village, Pelayangan District, Jambi City. The aim of  this research is to find out the role of reading parks in efforts to improve community services  in Arab Melayu Village, Pelayangan District, Jambi City. The  method used is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. This research will  provide an overview of the roles played by reading parks in improving community services.  The data collection method used in this research is observation, interviews and  documentation. The data obtained was reduced based on the relevance of the  research, presented in the form of a descriptive description, and conclusions were drawn.  The results of this research show that the role played by the Jakose  reading park is quite good, as a source of information, knowledge center, media for  recreation/entertainment, and place to hone skills. Can improve services in providing  information and other knowledge insights. So that the service activities carried out are very  beneficial for the community in Arab Melayu Village, Pelayangan District, Jambi City.  Supporting factors include funding/donations, collaboration with organizations, quality of  human resources. The obstacles faced are service space, consistency of human resources,  response from children and teenagers, developments in information and communication  technology. This obstacle has been overcome with the efforts that have been made, namely  using another space, recruiting new management, carrying out varied activities, completing  collections. The role of the Jakose reading park in improving community  services in the Arab Melayu Village, Pelayangan District, Jambi City has played a good role.  This can be seen from the implementation of indicators for the role of community reading  parks. The management of the Jakose reading park must pay more attention to  facilities and infrastructure, especially service spaces. The consistency of human resources  must be improved even better. The results of this research are expected to be input for the  Jakose reading park in improving community services in Arab Melayu Village, Pelayangan  District, Jambi City.


