The Role of Election Law No. 7 of 2017 regarding the quota policy for women's participation in politics


  • Diva Fitaloka Oktaviani IAIN Palangka Raya
  • Ajeng Hijriatul Aulia IAIN Palangka Raya


Role of Laws, Quota Policy, Women's Participation, Politics


In the modern era that emphasizes equality and justice, women's representation in politics has become an important issue. This representation involves women's active participation in political processes and decision making at various levels of government, including legislative, executive, judicial positions, political parties, and other government institutions. The main indicator of this representation is the number and proportion of women who hold political positions compared to men. Some countries implement gender quotas to accelerate the increase in the number of women in politics, but this representation is not just about quantity but also quality. Women must have the ability, knowledge and opportunities to voice issues relevant to women and ensure their perspective in policy making. In Indonesia, the history of women's quota policies reflects the long struggle for gender equality. From a limited role at the beginning of independence to the reform era which brought pressure for democratization and gender equality. Election Law no. 7 of 2017 is an important milestone which sets a quota of 30% of women in the list of legislative candidates from each political party, with sanctions for those who do not comply. This study uses normative juridical methods to evaluate the effectiveness of this quota policy in increasing the number and quality of women's representation in the legislature. The findings show that the quota policy has had a positive impact, but cultural, structural and economic challenges still hinder full implementation. Political education, gender awareness and political party commitment are needed to strengthen this policy and support women's participation in politics.


