Analisis Hukum Arisan Bahan Bangunan Keluarga H. Mukri Perspektif Maqashid Syariah


  • Ferdy Hasan Haswin Prodi Hukum Ekonumi Syariah, Fakultas Syari’ah, Insitut Agama Islam Nnegeri Pontianak


law, Building Materials arisan, H.Mukri Family, Maqashid Syariah Perspective


arisan of building materials of the H. Mukri family has an effective role and function in the value of helping with the building materials arisan system. However, with the problem of the price of building materials which every year and even month always changes, both down and up, this is the reason for researchers to more deeply study the building materials arisan  practiced by the H. Mukri family. Thus, this study has the purpose of reviewing the practice of arisan whether it is in accordance with Islamic law.The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive by collecting data through observation techniques, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis. The researcher made observations by directly observing the construction site, as well as conducting interviews with H. Mukri's family members who were involved in the social gathering. The results of this research are expected to contribute to the development of a more effective building material arisan system in accordance with Islamic law, as well as increase public awareness about the importance of helping in society.


