Kontekstualisasi kalimah syura di dalam Al-Qur’an Terhadap Penyelesaian sengketa


  • Hasir Bayu Kurniawan IAIN Palangka Raya


Discussion, Dispute resolution, shura kalimah


This research aims to provide a deeper understanding of the Shura sentence in the process of resolving disputes in social life. Therefore, this research discusses how important shura or deliberation is related to resolving disputes, because deliberation is very useful for resolving a problem or something that wants to be discussed regarding an issue. Remembering that not all disputes and problems can be resolved through the courts or legal entities, but if it is related to legal certainty, it is better to take them to the courts and legal entities to get certainty. Shura (deliberation) which, as mentioned in the Qur'an, has now become a reference for humans in their lives can be within the scope of family, society, even in government. As explained in his commentary on Al-Ahzar, Hamka considers that the Kalimah Shura or deliberation is a basic ingredient in the development of an Islamic society and state and is the basis of politics in government and state leadership, not only that, Shura or deliberation is also a solution to problems. kinship is widespread, and is a very good alternative in life.


