Kontekstualisasi QS Al-Qiyâmah [75]: 37-38 Pada Fenomena Kloning Manusia Pendekatan Kontekstual Abdullah Saeed
Contextualization, QS. Al-Qiyâmah [75]: 37-38, Human CloningAbstract
The many advances in technology and science are very helpful in a healthier life. However, advances in technology and science have a disturbing impact on society, for example in bioscience and biotechnology. This is due to the emergence of a phenomenon that is currently rife, namely the phenomenon of human cloning. This research aims to find out whether human cloning will blame the destiny of Allah Swt in the process of human creation in the contextualization of QS Al-Qiyâmah [75]: 37-38. This research is a library research with qualitative research. The method used is descriptive analysis with Abdullaah Saeed's approach. The results show that human cloning is making new humans or duplicating humans by buying eggs in egg banks or engineering genes without knowing who owns the eggs. So this is not in line with QS Al-Qiyâmah [75]: 37-38 on Abdullah Saeed's Contestual Approach that human cloning has blamed destiny in the process of human creation, which is that humans come from a speck of male and female semen through conjugal relations. Then it becomes a clot of blood and a lump of flesh and in the final process a spirit will be blown into the fetus.